CTM Potters Supplies - if you use clay you need CTM

Doncaster Tel: 01709 770801

Simba Materials Limited t/a

CTM Potters Supplies Co Reg No 05659119

   Doncaster Fax : 01709 770803

doncaster@ctmpotterssupplies.co.uk     Unit 8 Broomhouse Lane Industrial Estate, Edlington, Doncaster DN12 1EQ

Delivery charges and VAT will be added on to all orders. Prices on this website and in all downloads are net of VAT. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Exeter Tel: 01395 233077

   Exeter Fax : 01395 233905

admin@ctmpotterssupplies.co.uk            Unit 19 Hogsbrook Units,Greendale Ind Estate EAST, White Cross Road, Woodbury Salterton, Exeter EX5 1PY

All prices are in GBP - often per kg - and need delivery and VAT to be added. For some items there are pictures or more information if you press on the link. You can order by email, phone, fax but but you cannot pay online - please see ORDERING

Please Note

Delivery Charges


For the main Tools and Equipment Page - Use this link

Tools & Eqpt

Chinese Brushes

This section contains:

Flat Liner, Goat Round, Goat Pointed Round, Flat and Soft Pony Mops

please click on the picture

Chinese Brushes

This section contains:

Bristle Fans, Goat Pipe, Goat Hake, Goat Slanted Hake and Bristle Lawn Brushes

please click on the picture

English Brushes - Natural

This section contains:

Sable Round, Sable Cats Tongue, Sable Scroller, Sable Soft Fan, Squirrel Dagger and Sword Liner

please click on the picture

English Brushes - Twist Grip

This section contains:

Round, Filbert, Angled flat, Wash and Dagger brushes - the brush is acrylic but the handle is designed with a grip to make it easier to use for long periods of time.

please click on the picture

We stock a wide range of cost effective tools, brushes and equipment from Germany, Spain, Taiwan, USA and made in the UK for hobbyist, professional and schools. We buy in bulk so often have very good prices.

Chinese Brushes 1 Chinese Brushes 2 English Brushes Natural PRICE LIST

Natural Brush Sets

This section contains:

Economy Brush Sets

please click on the picture

Natural Brush Sets


We will price it up for you. Pay over the phone or you can do a bank transfer!

English Brushes Twist Grip