CTM Potters Supplies - if you use clay you need CTM

Doncaster Tel: 01709 770801

Simba Materials Limited t/a

CTM Potters Supplies Co Reg No 05659119

   Doncaster Fax : 01709 770803

doncaster@ctmpotterssupplies.co.uk     Unit 8 Broomhouse Lane Industrial Estate, Edlington, Doncaster DN12 1EQ

Delivery charges and VAT will be added on to all orders. Prices on this website and in all downloads are net of VAT. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Exeter Tel: 01395 233077

   Exeter Fax : 01395 233905

admin@ctmpotterssupplies.co.uk            Unit 19 Hogsbrook Units,Greendale Ind Estate EAST, White Cross Road, Woodbury Salterton, Exeter EX5 1PY

All prices are in GBP - often per kg - and need delivery and VAT to be added. For some items there are pictures or more information if you press on the link. You can order by email, phone, fax but but you cannot pay online - please see ORDERING

Please Note

Delivery Charges

Suspension Agents and other materials

For other materials go to RAW MATERIALS

Raw Materials

 Universal General Medium



1kg pot

5 kg pot

UGM Universal General Medium - Liquid





Misc. Liquids / Powders

500 ml

1 litre

5 litre

WR - Wax Resist - Lliquid




LR - Latex Resist - Liquid




75 - Sodium Dispex - Liquid




Misc. Liquids / Powders



1 kg

5 kg

76 - Sodium Silicate 75 TW - Liquid




76a - Sodium Silicate 140 TW - Liquid




SS - Soft Soap / Mouldmakers Size - Liquid




Tone - Bentone EW - Powder





74 - Calcium Chloride, flakes




SCMC - Cellulose Glaze Binder - Powder





FS200 - Fluxing Agent - Powder





GUMA - Gum Arabic - Powder







We will price it up for you. Pay over the phone or you can do a bank transfer!

VAT to be added on to all Prices


We will price it up for you. Pay over the phone or you can do a bank transfer!

SUSPENSION AGENT – Powdered Glazes

Liquid glazes are not a solution – the glaze powder does not dissolve – they are a suspension of the powder. It is rare with any type of glaze not to use a suspension agent of some sort.

When making a dipping glaze most people use 2% of bentonite powder mixed into the dry glaze powder and find that works for them, but it does not work for all glazes. Many people use a medium to get the suspension properties and a smoother flow when dipping; for brush-on it is absolutely necessary to use medium.

Earthenware’s do settle out faster as do glaze powders with harder surfaces.

The Universal General Medium was developed to act as a) anti-fungal, b) to help keep glazes in suspension and c) to make brush-ons more brushable / dipping glazes flow a little better. 

So it contains a range of liquids which we make up individually and then mix on a high speed mixer again– two different sized cellulose binders, two different clay rheological additives which are used in paints and make-up for smooth flow and also for thixotropic properties (gelling), and then the anti-fungal agent and water.

We give a starting point as follows, but they can be thinned down a bit depending upon the texture and density of the glaze material:-

Brush-On - typically 100gm of glaze powder to 40gm of water and 50gm medium.

E/Ware dipping – typically 1000gm powder with 655gm water and 115gm medium

S/Ware dipping – typically 1000gm powder with 590gm water and 105gm medium

We do recommend soaking the glaze powder in some of the water for several hours to breakdown the surface resistance of the glaze powder and then add the rest of the water and the medium. 

Mix with handheld cylindrical mixer or drill with mixer bit for as long as you can.

Another popular flocculant is Epsom Salts – make a liquid and add a few drops at a time – it does NOT act as a flow agent for brush-ons but can help keep glazes in suspension for a while. Works with high sodium glazes.